
Sonar Insights Tools

We use many tools to gather the data and insights we need to help clients on their journey to growth. The right tool depends on the job that needs to be done. We commit to using only the best tools for the work.


Data Collection from a Large Sample

Surveys efficiently collect data from a large number of people. This is particularly useful when understanding trends, behaviors, or opinions within a diverse population.

Quantitative Data

Surveys provide quantitative data, which means the responses can be easily quantified and analyzed statistically. This makes identifying patterns, correlations, or statistical relationships between variables easier.


Surveys can easily be scaled up to reach a larger audience. They can be distributed through various channels, such as email, social media, or website links, allowing researchers to reach diverse groups.

Focus Groups

Insights into Perspectives

Focus groups provide a deeper understanding of people’s thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions about a particular topic, product, or service. Hearing diverse viewpoints in a group setting can unveil unique insights.

Exploring Complexities

For complex issues or ideas, focus groups allow researchers to explore nuances, contradictions, or varied perspectives that might not surface in surveys or quantitative studies.

Efficient Data Collection

Focus groups can be more time and cost-effective than individual interviews for gathering qualitative data from multiple people at once.

In-Depth Interviews


Interviews offer a deep exploration of complex topics or experiences. Unlike surveys, interviews allow researchers to delve into detailed and nuanced information about an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Uncovering Unseen Insights

In-depth interviews can uncover hidden or subconscious motivations and perspectives that might not be captured through surveys or focus groups.

Contextual Understanding

Interviews provide a contextual understanding of the participant’s environment, social influences, and personal experiences, which can be crucial for certain types of research.

Ethnographic Research

Deep Immersion

Ethnography involves immersive, long-term engagement within a specific community or culture. Researchers participate and observe daily life, behaviors, and interactions within their natural context. This approach provides a holistic understanding of the community considering social structures, relationships, rituals, language, and everyday practices.

Cultural Context

Ethnography allows researchers to explore cultural norms, values, and practices within their natural setting. This deep understanding helps in interpreting behaviors and beliefs within their cultural context. Providing insights into how social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors intersect and influence behavior and perceptions within a community.