How to reinvigorate your brand

So your brand isn’t what it used to be. It happens to a lot of companies. You get busy. You’re putting out fires. You’ve had to focus your time on operations, or sales, or things at home. You had someone managing your brand that didn’t put the effort into maintaining what you had built. Or […]

Social distancing and virtual could accelerate business growth

Understanding the impact of social, economic and world conditions to your customers’ behaviors is important to your success. This is obvious to many marketers, businesses, and corporations. But planning and taking proper action in the right moments at the correct magnitude and pace are even more crucial. This is becoming more evident as we look […]

Why and when your business should use market research

For many people, market research seems like something meant for someone else. It’s for big corporations, those with lots of time on their hands, or people who have no idea what they’re doing. But that isn’t the case. Market research is for every business, big and small, old or new, experienced or start-up. It takes […]

Four principles for embracing adversity

Many businesses are facing challenging times today. Reduced traffic, switching from physical to digital or virtual presence, temporary closures, limited capacity seating. These things affect many businesses’ bottom lines and the livelihood of their employees. But embracing adversity can often make us stronger in the long run. It’s during these times when we’re challenged that […]